Friday, January 2, 2009

Pre-Christmas Pics

Once again, I'm behind on my blog! Honestly, we've had such a blessed Holiday Season with lots of family gatherings that in my few hours of down-time, I just wanted to hang out with my hubby and Ethan (not alone in our cold, dark basement!). So, in return, I'm weeks behind! Here I go and send everyone my blog address, making promises that I keep up on for all of you and I've so far made a liar out of myself! Okay, no more excuses! So, this year Ethan didn't really understand what happening with the Christmas tree, presents, and all the lights everywhere we went. Not to mention all the shopping his mom dragged him to do! He really loved the Christmas tree or "Baum-pam" as he called it. Yeah, we've been trying to figure out how the 2 sound even remotely alike, but I guess they do to him! The tree always had to be "on-on". Surprisingly, he otherwise left it alone. Occasionally, he'd bring me ornaments off of it, but otherwise he just liked to look at it. I was thankful for that! I didn't put out any presents though, b/c I wasn't sure how he'd handle that temptation! Well, I've included some pictures of Ethan around the tree and "Santa experience" from this year. He did great in line, even pointed to Santa and said "danta-danta", but when I put him on Santa's melt-down! I brought my nice camera and opted for the "take 3 pics for $5 option", well I couldn't even get my camera out b/c Santa had his hands full! Anyway, the photographer said maybe he'd do better if I sat with him and he took pics with my camera, he took a lot more then 3 too! He was really nice, trying get at least one good one. I was not prepared to have my picture taken that day, so pay now attention to the frumpy mommy in the background!!!

Here's when I first rescued Santa, Ethan didn't want anything to do with being near him!


This one is the best we could do! Santa could care less too!

I tried to take one of Ethan with the Santa hat way on that one either!!


Obviously I'm still quite the amateur photographer. Here's my attempt at the "Christmas tree glow".

Here's Ethan playing his "fo-fo" or radio (which he has since broken...)

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Those pics are cracking me up! I love it! Why on earth is Santa so scary to kids?!? I don't get it! Too funny Shelly! And.... You look fanulous in those pics, Frumpy!? PFFFT! :) Are you working this weekend???