Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Day Late and A Dollar Short....

I feel like that's the story of my life these days....I can't ever seem to catch up! I'm ALWAYS behind! It really does bother me to some extent, but then I ask myself what's more important. A clean house or coloring with Ethan? Folding some laundry or making faces with Addison as we all laugh? Updating my blog or taking a nap? Since I'm fairly certain that most people have TOTALLY given up on my blogging abilities, I usually opt for the nap! I can already tell a huge difference in the amount of pictures and videos I've taken of Addison vs Ethan and I feel bad! Anyway, here's an update on how much she's changed the past couple months. I can't believe she's 5months old already!!! Of course I don't have those pictures uploaded on my computer yet, so here's 3 and 4 months!! Enjoy!

Addison 4 months

Addison 4 months

Addison and Daddy

"Drooly Julie" as Daddy calls her (4 months)

Sitting up on her chair already at 3 months!

Big Brother Ethan and Addison at 3 months

Addison 3 months

Addy 3 months

Ethan hanging out with Addy in her crib!

Cutie Patootie in Ethan's robe (3 months)

Ethan reading to Addy....he's the sweetest big brother!!


Amy said...

Beautiful pictures!

Denise said...

Julie Droolie looks just like Ethan in that picture! I don't see it in the others! Beautiful kids Shelly!

DeLynn Unema said...

Love the new pics!! I cannot believe how fast these kids are all growing up!! and I agree, definately nap, play & have fun before you cook, clean or blog!! no guilt :)

Denise said...

Ok... you got your netbook... now what's your excuse! FIVE months... NO post!

Denise said...

Don't you have some 1st birthday pictures to post?~!