Friday, October 23, 2009

Addison's Newborn Pictures

Here's a little slideshow of a few of Addi's newborn pictures. She's already changed so much! I can't believe how fast she's growing! Ethan's doing much better with her - even giving her kisses now and wanting to "pick her up". That makes me a little nervous, but so far he always waits for Mommy to "help" him pick her up! I'm still getting up once or twice a night with her, but I'm working hard at getting her on a schedule! More pictures to come...Enjoy!

Saturday, October 17, 2009


Well, here we are 1 month into being parents of 2 children and it's going really well, but we're DEFINATELY still adjusting! Derek said to me last night that I was "slacking" on my blog...well, what else is new! I feel like I'm slacking on EVERYTHING lately! I'm lucky to get a shower before noon these days! And if I have to be out of the house before noon with both kids, we're lucky if it happens! I'm finding it so hard to juggle Ethan, whose mood can go from good to bad in the blink of an eye, to Addison's every 2 1/2 -3hr eat schedule! I think that's my problem, she has NO schedule really, but I'm working to change that VERY soon!

Overall, Addison has been a really easy baby. She's been feeding about 2 1/2-3hrs right from the start. Ethan was eating about every hour the first several days and that was REALLY hard on me, so she's been much easier thus far then he was! Ethan is very interested in "baby Addi" and wants to see what we're doing with her most of the time. I had to put a step-stool up to the changing table so he could watch as I change her diaper! He loves to throw her diapers away for me, so that has become his job! He also loves to sanitize his hands afterwards (since mommy does), which I'm glad about too! He definately has his jealous moments in which he acts out (usually while I'm nursing and can't get him!), especially if his grandma's are paying attention to her. That's one thing he's not willing to share right now! It's hard for them to just pay attention to him when they come over, but they're doing a great job! He likes to get right in her face, like inches away, I'm not sure why but I'm always telling him not to get so close to her - especially if I've just gotten her to sleep! He likes to point out her "tiny hands" and "little ears" and "blue eyes". He's really been quite sweet to her for the most part, in fact yesterday his beloved puppy gave Addi a kiss. He's certainly not ready to give her kisses, but I loved that his puppy could! He's had a few times when he wants to get in my lap while I'm nursing her and that's hard for me to know what to do. He's not really a cuddler at all, so when he wants to get in my lap, I really want to let him!

Derek and Ethan are kind of having to adjust together with the night-time routine. It was really hard the 1st week, b/c bathtime etc always seems to fall around one of Addison's feedings so Derek was having to give Ethan his bath and put him to bed when this is something that I have ALWAYS done. Ethan was having none of it at first and giving Derek a really hard time, but he's getting better. It's usually still a challenge to get him to bed, but it's hard to know if it's b/c of Addison or b/c he's 2 1/2!

All in all things are going very well and love our new family! Here's a few more pictures. I'll really try to post more often!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's a Girl!

Please join us in welcoming Addison Taylor Eade to our hearts and home. She arrived at 0525 on 9/16/09, weighing 8lbs, 9oz and 21 inches long!

It's been a bit of a roller coaster week for me! I had been getting so frustrated b/c I had so many signs of labor this weekend that I felt like my body was just teasing me to death!! Just when I would start timing contractions they would stop. This went on Sun, Mon and Tue. I was so ready for my OB apt on Wed b/c I thought for sure I had progressed, maybe even enough that she would tell me just to head to the hospital! (Hey, a girl can hope right?!) Well, I almost missed my apt b/c I had it in my brain that it was 1:30pm when it was at 11:45 am, which I realized at 11:40!!! Thanks to Derek for calling to see what time it was b/c he thought he'd go too since he was still in town! I'm telling you this little girl took every last brain cell! Anyway, they squeezed me in at noon. She checked me and said that I was b/t a 2 and a 3. I was so bummed. Then she said since I was so uncomfortable and would be 39wks on the 16th, she'd see if we could induce on the 16th. Nope, the birth center was WAY to full and busy to schedule an induction so she said we'd just plan on Friday. I left there in tears b/c I was just so ready to have this baby. I think had I not been so uncomfortable, not sleeping, etc. I could have dealt with it much better, but I was so ready to be done!
The last thing Dr Gootjes said before we left was, "maybe this check will be all you need to get things going". Well, she was absolutely right! By 6pm that night, I was having really regular contractions and they were getting pretty comfortable, but not regular enough. By 8pm they were getting much more intense and Derek had to take over Ethan's bath and stuff. (Which Ethan gave him a pretty hard time about). I was trying to plan ahead for someone to watch Ethan the next day just in case I was ACTUALLY, FINALLY in labor. Of course, of all days, Bonnie had to report for jury duty the next day and my mom had dr's apt at 0830 for her neck/head pain that she'd had for several days and I didn't want her to have to cancel. We worked out a plan but I still burst into tears because this wasn't how I wanted it to go. I had to get over it real quick though because it was out of my hands now and I was in way too much pain! By the time we got Ethan to bed, my contractions were about 5 mins apart and almost unbearable. I finally decided to call the Dr on-call when I started feeling like a needed to push a little with each contraction. He recommended that I come in. Derek started getting everything ready and in the car almost immediately. Then I started second-guessing myself. I didn't want them to say that I wasn't really in labor and send me home, so I waited for a while to make sure that they weren't going to stop again! They didn't stop in frequency or intensity so I called Bonnie and she came over right away. Then I called the Coordinator for the hospital to make sure that they'd have a bed for me and not closet when I got there (sometimes it pays to have a few connections !), since I knew they were really busy. She assured me that I wouldn't have a closet to deliver in!
We finally got here around midnight. A few people I work with saw me and were really excited for us, that was neat! We got right up to a room and the nurse helped me right away. She checked me and said I was around 4cm, so I had progressed since the afternoon. She talked to Dr Gerard (the Dr on-call) and he said to go ahead with an IV and epidural... YAY!! I couldn't wait to get some relief from these contractions. I was finally comfortable around 0200. Everything went really fast and smooth. Then, Derek and I watched TV for a while and tried to just relax and close our eyes a little. It was hard b/c the nurse had to turn me every hour and so we didn't really get any actual SLEEP, but at least we rested for a while. Around 0450 Dr Gerard came in to tell us that everything was going really well, and Dr Gootjes was planning on coming in first thing to deliver me. Before he left, he asked if I'd been feeling any "pressure". I said that I could feel my contractions were coming really fast now and with the last couple, I felt A LOT of pressure "down there". He thought maybe he should check me so he went to get my nurse. He didn't even put his hand in, he just looked and said, "whoa, the head's right there, I think we're about to have a baby". I was shocked! My whole body started shaking. I wanted my mom and Karen to be there for the birth, but it didn't look like that was going to happen! I called them both and when he came back, he said we could wait just a few mins to start pushing, but Derek and I decided we didn't want to make our little peanut wait!!
I was a little worried about Derek b/c he had a little trouble when we were pushing with Ethan and my mom had to take over holding my leg. He assured me he'd be fine. I really wanted to see things this time so I asked for a mirror. Unfortunately, Derek could see it too, but he did a good job of looking at the wall while holding a leg and my hand. She was out in 4 pushes! Dr Gerard held her up so Derek could announce that she was a girl! It felt like it took him FOREVER to say it and her leg was blocking my view so I couldn't see!! I couldn't believe it when he said girl! I didn't want to admit it, but I was really hoping that we'd have a girl. Not that I would have been "disappointed" if she was a boy, but I REALLY wanted a girl!! Derek did just awesome and I LOVED being able to watch the birth! It was so cool! Looking back on everything, I'm also really glad that it was just us. It was a very intimate, private birth and I will cherish it!
Sorry for the book, I just couldn't leave anything out! I still can't believe that she's HERE and that she's a SHE! She's doing just amazing too, nursing is going just fabulous, she's just a perfect little miracle! Can't wait for everyone to meet her!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

Well, I think I scared Derek this week. On Wed, I had my 37 wk check and I was dilated to a little more then 1cm "but not quite a 2" and about 50% effaced. Roughly the same as last week. But Thur, I had worked pretty hard around the house (I'm nesting something fierce and have this sense of urgency that just won't let me relax!), so I decided to lay down for just a little while. Derek, got Ethan up from his nap a while later and brought him in to me and Ethan just loves playing our bed, so I let him before I had to get up again. But as he was playing, I started having contractions and they felt MUCH more like contractions then Brackston Hick's I've been having. I looked at the clock and I had about 5 of them that were exactly 5 mins apart! I started getting excited and nervous and scared to death all at the same time! I called for Derek to take Ethan b/c he kept laying on me and it was making it a little more uncomfortable then they already were. The look on Derek's face said it all! But after those 4 or 5, they just stopped and I haven't had anything else since.

On Sat, Derek was up before all of us and he started getting the rest of the stuff out of the spare bedroom and down stairs. He had vacuumed and was putting the toddler bed together before Ethan was even done with breakfast! I'm really glad too, b/c I wanted to be home with Ethan a few days to ease him into his "Big Boy Bed". Ethan could not wait to climb in the bed once Derek had it put together. I didn't have sheets or anything on it and he was laying on the mattress! As soon as he got in there, he was calling it "Ethan's Big Boy bed" and then he was telling Daddy to get all of this "friends" out of his crib. His pillows, his puppies, his teddy bears etc.. Later that morning I got all of his bedding washed and thought now or never by nap time. He must have been so ready to get out of that crib, because he did just awesome! What I love is that (so far), when we're all done reading books and giving kisses etc and leave the room, he stays in his bed! He'll call out for stuff he wants, but he hasn't gotten up to get it himself or leave the room when he knows he can! We'll see how long this lasts, but what big boy!! Here's some pictures of his new room and bed!

Daddy's little helper!

So excited!!

1st successful ni-night in the "Big Boy Bed"! (Ethan after his 1st nap)

He wants nothing to do with keeping "the blankies" on, so we're still wearing a sleep-sac for now!
I'm so excited and relieved with how well this transition has gone! I've been so worried about it! Mostly, that it wouldn't happen before the baby arrived and that he would feel like he got kicked out his bed by the baby! He absolutely LOVES being in his new room now, we have to wake him up from his naps and sometimes even then, he doesn't want to get up or much less leave the room! It's so cute! I can't believe how big he is! I know he's going to look even bigger to me when #2 arrives!
Sunday my mom had a cook-out and unfortunately, the pool was just a little too cold for swimming since the weather was so cool the past week or so! But we had a great time any way and Ethan splashed on the edge with Grandma and then played in his little pool so all was good! That evening Derek and I went to the Yacht Club for dinner and Ethan was a little charmer as usual!
Today, I was up around 5am (yes, on purpose) to get ready for a little marina fishing tournament! When we had a boat, we slipped it on A-dock and we still have a lot of great friends, most of them all fish, and we came up with having a Labor Day Fishing Tournament, this year being the 1st! Team Pier Addiction was a little short on crew since Mom and Dad Eade are on vacation and Cory had to work, so it was Derek, Brian, Sara, Heidi (Cory's wife) Me and Ethan! I got Ethan up around 5:30am. I rubbed his back and said "Ethan do want to go fishing with Mommy and Daddy?" He almost immediately sat up and said in his sleepy little voice, "Ethan go fishing, Ethan reel, reel, reel?" It was so sweet. He did not care how early it was at all! We got dressed real quick and Daddy was hounding us to get going!
I would have thought for "fun" tournament, maybe a 6am start time was a little early, but I wasn't there during the negotiations.... What a beautiful day! I've been a little apprehensive about fishing this late in my pregnancy b/c I have issues with sea-sickness usually and I can't take anything for it right now! I was totally unaffected today, which was wonderful! Ethan was such a trooper, except when I went to reel in a fish, then he wanted me to hold him, and well, I can't do both so he had a little melt down there. But, I landed the fish (a really nice Lake Trout) and that was the only one for me unfortunately, but I loved cheering everyone else on throughout the day! We ended up with 10 fish. This was the most fish you could weigh according to the rules so we thought we were sitting pretty since it was sort of struggle to get 10 today! Most of the boats we talked to didn't have that many. Unfortunately, a couple others did and we ended up 3rd b/c a lot of our fish were small! Oh well, it was GREAT day with family!! I only wish someone had grabbed a photo of me at 9mos pregnant reeling in a fish!!
Here's a couple pictures of Ethan and Daddy from today that I just thought were too precious. Ethan's really getting attached to Derek recently. He can't wait for Derek to get home and pretty much won't leave his side until he goes to bed! I knew these days were coming as I've been warned by my friends, but so far he still wants his Mommy too! I'm sort of glad that he's wanted to be with Derek more b/c I think that's really going to help when the baby's here and I can't be 2 places at once!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Saturday, July 4, 2009

So far behind....

Well, I've been procrastinating in posting a blog b/c I think that they are boring w/o pictures, but I guess I'm just going to have to do without for a while. Unfortunately, the storm of the decade that happened on June 19th affected us too! We lost 2 huge tree branches in the front yard that fortunately fell towards the road and miraculously missed our house, Derek's truck, and the power line! Our basement was not so lucky. Derek and I have NEVER had water in the basement in the 8yrs we've lived here. We have a sump-pump pit, but no sump-pump. We've never even seen water in the pit before that night! Well, after the storm hit, water starting coming up through the pit. We were able to stay on top of it for a few hours by sucking the water up with a shop-vac and carrying up buckets of water, but soon the water took over and we lost the battle. By the time we "gave up" it was around 3:30 am and we both extremely sore and exhausted. We moved as much as we could off the floor, upstairs, or to the far side of the basement. The next day we borrowed a pump and fans and tried to dry out. We lost all the carpet in the basement, it was amazing how quickly it started to smell!! Luckily, I think that's about the extent of it. We recently found out that our insurance is going to cover some of it, so that's a huge blessing b/c we thought they wouldn't! Unfortunately, Derek spent his Father's Day weekend doing ALOT of manual labor! We certainly couldn't have done it w/o the help of our family and neighbors! Derek's dad and brother and our neighbor Rob were over right away the next morning with chainsaws, ladders, and a chipper to clean up the trees. It took them most of the day to get it all cleaned up! I was so thankful! A lady who lives down the street even stopped and volunteered to her sons to come help, so they used them too! It was kind of funny the next morning I went outside to take pictures when we got up and all I could hear was the sound of chainsaws running! There were trees down or uprooted throughout our whole neighborhood. It was really quite storm!

The reason for no pictures, is b/c our computer is in the basement and we had to take it all apart and off the floor so it wouldn't get ruined. We still have a lot of work to do down there so Derek just hooked up the bare essentials so I could at least have internet access, but things I need to be able to upload pics are in a pile somewhere so sorry this is just boring words. Will try to post pics soon! Hopefully we'll be getting a check from the ins. co. this week or next and can get going!! It makes me very anxious b/c this is a major set-back in getting Ethan in his new room and big boy bed! This baby will be here before we know it and NOTHINGS READY!!!!!! AHHHH! Okay, deep breath, every thing's going to be okay.....I hope!!

Friday, June 12, 2009


Here's a little video of Ethan and "his moves" at the Yacht Club the other night. He loves to go "up the stairs" as he calls it, especially on nights it's not very busy b/c then he has the run of the place!! This night they were playing music and he was having a ball entertaining everyone! It's nice for Derek and I too b/c we can actually eat, have an adult conversation and keep an eye on Ethan all at the same time!! It's going to be a great summer!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

All Boy!

Today has been great! Derek and I slept in b/c Ethan spent the night at Grandma and Grandpa Twinkle's last night! Oh, how I love sleep!!! Then we got up and went to breakfast at Derek's favorite spot, Dutch Brothers or DeBoer Bakery. It was fabulous! Then we headed to Lowe's to get some fertilizer for my garden and for the grass and picked up Ethan. Ethan is still very into the ugly lawn flowers that spin and he calls them my their colors, "Red one, Green one, Purple one, Brown one". The minute we pull in the driveway he starts "go see green, go see red, etc". I wanted to get some of the big weeds out of my garden before we tilled it anyway so I got out Ethan's rake and he "helped" mommy weed, played with his flowers etc... All was going well until about 45mins later when I looked over to see him pouring handfuls of dirt on himself - starting at his head! I didn't think it was that bad until I was ready to bring him in for his nap and took a closer look. It was just caked in his scalp, down his back and into his pants, even his diaper!! I decided just to throw him in the shower which he's never done before. At first he thought it was kind of fun, but then when the water kept hitting his face, he was ready to get out, but I had to get the dirt out of hair somehow! It was just pure mud coming off his head running down him. I did the best I could as quickly as I could. At least his scalp isn't black anymore! Anyway, he went right down for his nap after that! I tried to get some pictures, but you couldn't tell all the dirt on him in the pictures. I just had to laugh, what a little boy!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Sweet Little Boy...

Ethan is really becoming a "Momma's Boy" lately. He really knows how to melt my heart too! Just recently, he started waking up early and crying for me. When I get in his room, he says "Ni-night Mommy bed", asking to come to bed with me. I've only brought him to bed with me like twice EVER and that's when he was really sick and I didn't know what else to do. He'd only stay with us until he'd fall asleep and then I'd put him back to bed, but that hasn't been for months!! So, I really have no idea where this is coming from! Part of me really thinks that he KNOWS his life is about to change and he's taking advantage of just being the "only one" right now, but can he sense that?? Am I just crazy for thinking he has some sixth sense? Probably! I think what it really is, is that he just misses me. The past couple times he's asked to come to bed with me has been after I've worked a few days. This morning, I was so excited NOT have to set my alarm and get to sleep in a little from when I have been getting up for much for that! Ethan was up around 6am, I tried to get him to go back to sleep in his own bed, no go - he wanted "mommy's ni-night"! So, I brought him to bed with me, be he lays almost on top of me and fidgets for at least an hour before falling back to sleep! Oh, well. I do enjoy having him there, it's only a couple hrs and I need to remember that these times of just us lying in bed in the mornings are numbered! This morning when he woke up he sat up and said "all done ni-night mommy". Then "get-up, get up!". I was rubbing my belly a little b/c the baby was kicking and he was watching me. I asked him if he wanted to feel mommy's belly and maybe the baby would kick him. So, he started rubbing my belly and saying "hi-hi baby, hi-hi baby". IT WAS SOOOOOOOO SWEET!!!! I totally melted!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a WONDERFUL Mother's Day today! This morning I woke to the sweet sounds of Ethan talking, talking, talking! These days he talks about whatever he sees, we say or do, or what he wants to do! Honestly, I love listening to him put things together, lately he's been putting 2 and 3 words together and it's so fun! I usually hear all about what he's looking at in his room before I even walk in there! After breakfast, he played in the bathroom while I took a shower, or "mommy tubby" as he calls it. I had a really nice card from Ethan and Daddy waiting for me when I got out of the shower too! Then, we had a wonderful brunch with Derek's parents, brother and sister in law at Macatawa Legend's. We got Gana Twinkle a new bird feeder with 2 gift certs inside (one for Younker's, her fav and one for a mani/pedi). Ethan made her a stepping stone a few days ago with his foot print in it, she loved that too! After we had full bellies, we were off to get my mom some hanging baskets (my Mother's Day tradition)! I go to the same place every year, they have a great selection, great prices and are sooooo friendly and helpful! I even got 2 for myself! Yay, now my porch isn't naked anymore! We dropped them off, along with her cards and stepping stone too! Ethan loves to play with those ugly plastic flowers that spin. My mom has a bunch of them and now he runs around collecting them all and spins them. We've even inhereted a few at our house to avoid melt-downs from leaving his flowers! Derek's less then thrilled that his SON is obsessed with flowers lately, but there could be worse things right! He even wakes up talking about "go see flower, go outside". It's so hard to get him in the house now!

Anyway, after we left my mom's, Derek headed out fishing for the afternoon, I had every intention of taking a huge nap since it had turned cold and rainy, but instead I got a bug and decided to go through my closet! I recently inherited some summer maternity clothes from some friends of mine (since I was pregnant in the winter with Ethan!), and had this huge pile on my dresser for the past 2wks. I couldn't take looking at one more day! So I brought a bunch of winter stuff down stairs, but before I hung it up, I pulled out what I thought I wouldn't wear again....or that stuff I've been holding onto thinking I was going to loose enough weight to fit into again! So now I have more then enough room for all my fun, cute maternity clothes! The best part is that I can see my dresser and the floor around it now!!!! After that I had to do a little Facebooking of course. I actually got to lay down for about 20mins, which was perfect really.

Ethan woke as happy as ever and best of all he was quite snuggly. Ethan really hasn't been a very affectionate child, so when he's snuggly or clingy (which is really rare, even if he's sick) I eat it up! Daddy was still fishing "bishin" as Ethan says, so we decided to order pizza. It's my day and I'm NOT cooking! So, we had a little late dinner just the 2 of us, while he was finishing up, I was reading the paper. After he got done, he wanted to sit on my lap (again, very rare!), so we looked at the paper and flyers together. It was really quite fun! I decided it was a little late for a bath, so I just put his jammies on. This is something he normally fights me for and tonight, was just as content as ever, talk, talk, talking away about things as I changed him. He was being such a honey that I really didn't want to put him to bed so I just played in his room with him for a while. I got lots and lots of hugs and kisses. It was the ABSOLUTE BEST ending to my Mother's Day! It must be my hormones, but as he's sitting on my lap giving me butterfly kisses, Eskimo kisses and regular kisses, tears just ran like water! He even said "mommy water eyes" and touched them. I know this is really long and probably super boring, but I'm writing more for me then you. I just don't want to forget what a wonderful day I had with my wonderful little boy.

On that note, here's a few pictures. The 1st couple are from the Tulip Time parade on Thur. Ethan had a great time with his friends Max, baby Leah and baby Ben!

As promised here's some belly pics. These are actually from today, so here's me at 20weeks! Half way there! We had our official ultrasound on Friday and so far everything looked good, I haven't heard the report yet (prob not until Mon), but I think the tech would have said something if she caught something unusual....I hope. Anyway, we didn't find out the sex. Even if we wanted to, I think we would have been disappointed b/c the baby was cooperating! Any guesses????

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Random Pics

Here's a few pictures and a little video at the bottom of the past couple weeks. Derek's birthday was yesterday and he's been working so hard the past few months and we didn't take a vacation this year, so I'm taking him to one of his favorite places....Las Vegas!! We leave Friday night for a long weekend and we both need a little get-a-way! We can't wait, but then again, I hate leaving Ethan for any length of time. I know he'll be just fine, probably won't even miss us, but I miss him terribly! Anyway, that's what's new with us. If I have time to take a picture of my ever growing belly before we leave, I'll post a pic. Otherwise, look for one when we get back! I can't believe how big I am already!!
Ethan is now becoming interested in the "potty", he likes to sit on it, but nothing happens yet. He often tells me when he goes now, so I know he's starting to understand the "feeling", but we're certainly not "potty-training" yet, just getting the idea! He's about to go through so many changes in the next few months, that I'm certainly not going to push potty training on him too!
All he needs is a bucket of water and life is good!! ( I had to take him home in no pants after this though, he was soaked!)

I think someone is ready for finger paints! (This was chocolate pudding as I busy doing something else!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Well, once again, I'm behind on my blog!! At least I'm posting these in the same month!! Anyway, we had a very nice Easter this year. We hid a few shiny eggs in the yard for Ethan to find b/c we weren't sure he'd get into it, but he really did so I wish we would have hid more! Oh, well. Then we went to Boatwerks for brunch with "Gana Twinkle-Twinkle" (Grandma Bonnie) and "Papa,Papa,Papa" (Grandpa Denny), Uncle Bri and Aunt Sara! It was nice, but then I had to go from there to work and it was a really busy day in the ER!

Here's Ethan checking out his Easter basket! He's holding up a lady bug in an egg!

Ooh, eggs!

Here's Ethan on his egg hunt.

Found one!

Looking for more.

Gana had a basket waiting for him too and it was of course and Elmo basket! (which he's still carries around!)

Here's Ethan's spiky hair!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Enjoying the sun...

I couldn't wait get outside with Ethan today! He LOVES to be outside, I think he's got cabin fever like the rest of us! I wanted to do something fun for him, but I also wanted to check out Carter's big sale today. So, we compromised with a little a both. Unfortunately, Ethan wanted nothing to do with the shopping first and let it be known the ENTIRE time we were in the Carter's warehouse (which is at the other end of the outlet from their store)! Since we had to walk by the ducks and the "water" to get there, that's all he wanted to do! Fortunately, I brought my stroller so that I could keep him in the store, but he screamed the entire time we were in there! I was so embarrassed and normally I would have just left, but I was putting my foot down today! This was something I really wanted to check out, it was all parents in there anyway - if they haven't been through their own children throwing tantrums, they would someday! So, I just let him scream and went about my business, I could feel eyes on me the hole time though! I'm not a terrible mom am I? Well, I wasn't in there very long. I would have spent more time if I wasn't so "distracted" Once I got back to the front of the store, Ethan was happily chatting about the water. I was so mad, I could have just parked him in front of the window so that he could see the pond while I shopped real quick and he would have been fine!! UHH! Anyway, we had still had one more challenge, we had to go to the main store to pay for the goods, so we had to walk by the pond again! He didn't do much better while we were in line to pay, but at least it wasn't constant screaming, just occasional outbursts! I kept telling him we were going to see the ducks, we were going to see the ducks..... Finally, we were outside and down by the pond and he was so excited to see the ducks! I actually remembered to bring some bread too!! Unfortunately, so did every other parent there and the ducks weren't really interested in eating. There was bread all over the lawn that wasn't even eaten! Oh well, he had fun throwing the bread anyway!

Okay, so I must admit, I couldn't resist buying a few girly outfits - you know, just in case! Derek really doesn't want to find out the sex of the baby and there's no way I could keep a secret from him that long so, I guess you'll all have to wait till Sept too!! Even if this one is another boy, the seasons will be off so I'll need some more clothes either way! I can't believe we're almost half way already! My official US (ultrasound) is May 8 and I'll be 20wks! It's going so fast! Anyway, will post again soon! Happy Easter!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ethan's 2nd Birthday!

Well, if there's anyone out there that hasn't given up on me, here's a new blog post.....finally!! Ethan's birthday party was pretty similar to last year, just family mostly! We weren't sure he'd get the whole party thing and didn't want to overwhelm him anyway! We had everyone over around noon for pizza, then opened presents, and then had Elmo cake!! MMMM was it good!

Ethan surprised us all by not being interested in opening presents yet!! I thought by now he'd really be into tearing into them, but he really didn't want anything to with it! Brian and Sara's gift was in a bag with lots of tissue paper and he did get into taking all the paper of the bag though! But once all the paper was out, he didn't really care to see what was in it!! Silly kid! Anyway, here's a bunch of pictures from the day thanks to Dad Eade!!

Here's the Birthday Boy!

Here he is getting into Sara's gift right away!!

Who me? (Notice Sara putting all the paper back)

Ga-Na Sue Whispering to Ethan while he's eating his pizza

Animated talking!

Ethan's Elmo cake (sorry suzie homemakers, I didn't make it)

Showing Ethan his cake

Singing Happy Birthday!

Ethan loved his 1st present opened. A remote control car from Uncle Brian and Aunt Sara. He wasn't interested in opening anything else after that!

All the gifts!

Ethan, Daddy, Papa Len, Aunt Sara, Aunt Kiki (Karen) and Jen

Ethan LOVED his balloons and was carrying them all over the house!

Mommy and Daddy got Ethan some of his own garden tools (time to put that boy to work!!) He really loved helping me rake, well pushing the leaves out the pile I had just made, this year!

Opening presents!

All eyes on Ethan

Ethan loves to get into Daddy's tools so Daddy bought him his very own tools. Here he is with screwdriver. I have to try to record how he says screwdriver, it's sooooooo cute!

Ga-Na Sue pinned him down for a second to open another one!

Papa Rich recording the action

Big smiles from Uncle Bri, Ga-Na Bonnie (or Ga-Na Twinkle-Twinkle as Ethan calls her) and Papa Len
Well, I'll really try not leave you hanging forever again! We just really haven't been doing a whole lot lately to report about. Just waiting and waiting for the weather to get nice and STAY there! Derek and I have started doing some rearranging in the basement in order to move everything from the spare bedroom down there so we can move Ethan into the spare bedroom! Everything is sneaking up on us so fast! I feel like we're running out of time already! I have to get Derek crackin' on it now b/c once fishing starts up I'm in trouble!
Okay, I really must admit that most of the reason I haven't posted in the past several weeks is that I usually do it when Ethan's napping and I've been SO stinkin tired lately, that I've been napping too! I really don't remember being this tired with Ethan, but then again wasn't chasing and entertaining a 2 yr old either! At least the nausea has GREATLY improved in the past couple weeks! I can deal with the tired a lot better then the nausea!
Derek is doing FABULOUS in his new job and absolutely loving it! I love that he's so happy- FINALLY!!! He's finally being treated like he deserves and they love him and praise him all the time too! It's just such a wonderful blessing that he has been given this opportunity. We are so thankful and blessed!
Well, that's our story for now! Hope you enjoyed the pics!!